"The patient's life and health belong to him. They should be of good quality, regardless of obstacles. For him and for his loved ones. With our help. Hand in hand."

Reports of expert meetings
Medical care of a patient with urination disorders
The section of nurses and medical technicians in rehabilitation and spa activities in cooperation with Zbornica - Zveza
At the professional training with educational workshops, we learned about the functional anatomy and obstructive pathology of the urinary tract, the course of kidney transplantation and medical care and the preparation of the patient for discharge after a kidney transplant, from different profiles of lecturers, we learned about the peculiarities of cystectomy in the past and present, the importance of patient education with a urostomy and about the quality of life of a patient with a nephrostomy. Nursing care of a patient after a bacterial urinary tract infection was presented, and we also repeated the specifics of pure intermittent self-catheterization. We touched on the topic of quality indicators in the mentioned area. The head nurse of Term Dobrna introduced us to the organization of work and also showed us the premises of the nursing department. At the training workshops, we renewed our knowledge about the dressings of various stomas, about inserting a permanent urinary catheter in a man, performing intermittent catheterization of a man, and emphasized the importance of hand hygiene.
Representatives of the companies Medico3, Coloplast and Simpss presented us with individual products that come into play when treating patients with urinary disorders.
We were also introduced to the companies Vamotel with an electronic temperature sheet and Dedisol with the Diapee device for the purpose of measuring urine flow in a non-invasive way.
Nursing care in the rehabilitation of a patient after amputation
The section of nurses and medical technicians in rehabilitation and spa activities in cooperation with Zbornica - Zveza
At the professional training, which we organized, we learned from different profiles of lecturers (nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists) about various diseases and injuries that can lead to limb amputation, phantom pain, care of diabetic foot and other wounds, prevention and treatment of diabetes diseases, internist treatment of patients, safe rehabilitation and about preparing the patient for discharge to home care and the role of nurses who work on field. The representative of the Zepter company presented us with a special lamp to aid in wound healing, the Bioptron.
After the break, there were educational workshops with the help of physiotherapists and occupational therapists from department A, where they showed us how to properly wrap the amputated limb and install the prosthesis, as well as how to sit safely and use medical technical devices.
Ensuring the patient's safe nursing care during rehabilitation
- a two-day professional meeting with educational workshops
24 - 25 November 2023
The section of nurses and medical technicians in rehabilitation and spa activities in cooperation with Zbornica - Zveza
The expert meeting was held with the aim of informing the participants about the ways of ensuring safe nursing care of the patient and focused mainly on the prevention of wounds and deep vein thrombosis, safe transfer and transfer, safe feeding of patients with swallowing disorders,... Educational workshops were also presented, where the participants were instructed on the correct and safe use of medical technical devices for moving and moving the patient and on the correct installation of elastic bandages. Physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and graduate nurses participated in the lectures and workshops, and one lecture was dedicated to the presentation of the SVIT program and its results from the National Institute of Public Health. Various sponsors also participated by presenting their products.
Acquisition of special knowledge in Nursing care of patients with urinary disorders
date: MARCH - JUNE, 2023
organizer: Section of nurses and medical technicians in rehabilitation and spa activities in cooperation with Zbornica - Zveza
The professional training took place with the aim of acquiring special knowledge in the field of nursing care of patients with urinary disorders. Participating learning bases: URI Soča Ljubljana, Slovenj Gradec General Hospital, Novo Mesto General Hospital, UKC Maribor and Terme Dobrna. It took place in the form of three days of theoretical work - lectures, seminar exercises and clinical practice in the mentioned learning bases. All participants took a written and practical exam at the end, all of them passed. With this, they acquired the following professional competences:
- Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of an adult and the peculiarities of the anatomy and physiology of a child
- Knowledge of various diagnostic methods in urology
- Familiarization with urodynamic examination
- Familiarization with the specifics of the role of a graduate nurse in a urology and urodynamic clinic
- Knowledge of urination disorders that occur as a result of diseases of the urogenital system
- Knowledge of the indications, technique and complications of transurethral catheterization of men and mastery of providing assistance to the doctor during its implementation:
*assistance to the doctor when inserting a permanent urinary catheter,
*independent insertion or changing the indwelling urinary catheter (as ordered by the doctor) in a patient who has no known diseases or urinary tract injuries and the first insertion by the doctor was performed easily and without complications,
*assistance to the doctor during the first intermittent catheterization of a man,
*independently performing intermittent catheterizations of men,
- Management of intermittent catheterization of a woman
- Management of indwelling urinary catheter insertion in a woman
- Knowledge of the specifics of nursing care for a child with urinary disorders
- Familiarization with the specifics of patient nursing after urological surgery
- Knowledge of different types of urinary catheters and their characteristics
- Management of care for nephrostomas, cystostomas, urostomas and indwelling urinary catheters
- Knowledge of ethical dilemmas in the treatment of patients with urinary disorders
- Familiarization with the course of treatment of a patient with urinary drainage at home
- Familiarization with ensuring the rights of insured persons to medical devices for incontinence
- Knowledge of physiotherapeutic treatment of patients with urinary incontinence
- Familiarization with intravesical application of drugs and hormonal treatment of a patient with prostate carcinoma
- Knowledge of the specifics of nursing care for a neurological patient with urinary disorders and a neurogenic bladder
- Controlling hospital-acquired infections and ensuring quality and safe nursing care
- Knowledge of ways to involve relatives in the process of health education
- Familiarization with acceptance processes and psychological disorders in people with urinary incontinence / retention
- Mastering interventions that help with nursing interventions for incontinent patients or patients with urinary retention
Nursing in rehabilitation - Challenges and a multidisciplinary approach
Friday, 16/12/2022
The professional Group of Nurses and Medical Technicians in Rehabilitation Centres and Health Resorts
Chamber - Association of Nurses and Medical Technicians of Slovenia
The meeting was attended by lecturers and listeners from all over Slovenia, a representative of the Oncology Department of KC Osijek from Croatia, and representatives of the Lipnica Physiotherapy Institute from Austria. We were introduced to interesting topics:
about the diversity of areas that we encounter in nursing in the field of rehabilitation (from neurological diseases, amputations, consequences of polytrauma, consequences of oncological diseases and the importance of adequate nutrition, chronic pain...),
on the multidisciplinary cooperation of different health profiles and special approaches and the organization of work in such a way that it is possible to ensure high-quality and patient-safe health care,
the fall prevention program implemented in the Austrian Physiotherapy Institute Lipnica was presented.
2nd scientific and professional conference Public health and COVID-19
OCTOBER 5, 2022
Organizer: Ministry of Health in cooperation with the National Institute of Public Health
At the second edition of the conference, they focused to a greater extent on managing the wider consequences of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, such as the consequences of limiting the functioning of the health system and the problems brought by this long covid-19 and the transition of the covid-19 coronavirus disease from pandemic to endemic phase.
Comprehensive medical care of the patient during his rehabilitation after suffering from Covid 19
Thursday, April 14, 2022, at 8:40 p.m.
The professional Group of Nurses and Medical Technicians in Rehabilitation Centres and Health Resorts
Chamber - Association of Nurses and Medical Technicians of Slovenia
University Institute of the Republic of Slovenia Soča
On Thursday, 14 April 2022, in the hall of the 4th floor of URI Soča, professional training took place, entitled Comprehensive health care of the patient during his rehabilitation after suffering from Covid 19.
The purpose of it was to inform participants about the characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 and nursing care during the recovery of both adults and children, and about the specifics of various areas during comprehensive rehabilitation. The lectures touched on several diverse topics, from the basic characteristics of the disease, its complications, ways to take swabs to confirm infection to physiotherapy, occupational therapy, socio-psychological issues, nutritional support and ethical dilemmas faced by medical staff during the pandemic. We also focused on the importance and course of the organization of work itself, which certainly posed an extremely great challenge to all.
For the purpose of SI itself, the Section also published a proofreading collection of lectures, some in printed form for the needs of NUK and the library and departments within URI Soča, and some in electronic form on a USB stick for all participants.
The Section would like to thank the sponsors Zepter Slovenica, Medimax and Kralj Vital for their help with the organization.
Fifth Regional Conference of Equality Bodies of SE Europe
Thursday, October 21, 2021, at 10 p.m.
Organizer: Advocate of the principle of equality
On Thursday, October 21, 2021, the 5th Regional Conference of Equality Bodies of SE Europe took place live via YouTube.
After the introductory speeches in the first set of lectures, you can watch presentations on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, non-discrimination, equality bodies and the work of the European Commission.
In the second set of lectures, various lecturers from several countries of SE Europe present the Covid-19 Pandemic as a challenge for equality.
The third set delves into the impact of Covid-19 on discrimination and different races of people, and the fourth set of lectures presents specific topics of the Covid-19 pandemic identified by equality bodies.
You can watch the clip at the link below:
Public presentation: What does the law on long-term care bring?
Monday, October 18, 2021 at 4pm via the Zoom video link
Organizer: Ministry of Health and Medical Chamber of Slovenia
On Monday, October 18, 2021, there was a public presentation of the Long-Term Care Law that took place through Zoom.
In Slovenia, the growing need for a uniform systemic regulation of the field of long-term care has been strongly perceived for many years. The regulation is extremely important and also very much connected with the health care system.
"Each of us deserves a decent old age and everyone who cares for the elderly deserves to be paid decently for their work," Health Minister Janez Poklukar accompanied the adoption of the law on long-term care in the government on June 17 this year. The Ministry of Health emphasizes that the proposed solutions create the conditions for long-term care to be accessible, affordable, high-quality and safe, and that no one will be ignored during the periods of life when we become dependent on the help of another person.
(Medical Chamber of Slovenia and Ministry of Health)
The findings of two pilot projects and the solutions in the law were presented at the presentation.
You can watch a recording of the presentation on the Youtube link of the Medical Chamber: